Financial Advice & Wealth Management

Family Succession & Estate Planning

While having a legal, professionally drafted will is critical, we believe the first step to estate planning is to acknowledge and articulate your core values, financial objectives and intentions for the legacy that you would like to leave.


Family Succession & Estate Planning

While having a legal, professionally drafted will is critical, we believe the first step to estate planning is to acknowledge and articulate your core values, financial objectives and intentions for the legacy that you would like to leave. We work with you to help you understand the pitfalls to be aware of and the opportunities available to create your effective estate plan, ensuring the “right funds” are received in the “right hands” at the “right time”.

“Right funds” is ensuring there will be sufficient funds in your estate and via other assets to meet your objectives. “Right hands” is making sure your control of assets are passed appropriately and as you would intend. “Right time” looks at if you would prefer your beneficiaries to receive their inheritance straight away or at some later stage (for instance, infant children) or through a gradual process (eg income streaming). Right timing also takes into account taxation implications and maximising outcomes for your beneficiaries.

Protecting your family and loved ones takes careful planning and the areas of wealth and asset protection are an important issue. This area includes family trusts, private companies and ownership issues.

Our Process

By engaging in this consultation and creating a well thought out family succession plan, you can provide clarity and peace of mind to your loved ones, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and minimising potential stress during an already difficult time.

Our approach aims to make the transition of control and ownership of wealth and legacy easier:

Step One
The first step involves taking a holistic view of your situation. This means considering all aspects of your financial and personal life including assets, liabilities, superannuation, insurance and tax obligations. By conducting this thorough assessment, you can gain a clear understanding of your financial position and identify potential areas that need attention or improvement.

Step Two
In the second step, we work together to create a family succession plan that aligns with your legacy wishes. This plan takes into account the information gathered and addresses complex family dynamics or any special individual needs that might impact the distribution of assets. Creating a comprehensive and well thought out succession plan is crucial to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that potential conflicts among beneficiaries are minimized.

Step Three
The final step involves handing over a comprehensive and clear report to your lawyer. By providing this, your lawyer can draft the necessary legal documentation more efficiently and cost effectively. This step ensures that the legal language used in the documentation accurately reflects your intentions and helps streamline the process of finalising your estate plans.